Thursday, 14 April 2011

and stop the clock

36 days later and not one but two contracts offered. I am now a Project Manager for the NHS. These are interesting times.

Now time to find a flat, and start the clock...tick tock....

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Saturday Night

.. and I'm sat watching 'So You Think You Can Dance' and 'Casualty". Welcome to my crazy world!

A day in the life of the unemployed

Sitting in Blackheath on a lovely sunny day, stuffing my gob with cupcake.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Waiting for what?

Awake to the most beautiful sunny day. Set myself up to do some job hunting, applying for any job that I am qualified and not so qualified for. And then wait. Wait for what?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Job hunting sucks

It's been exactly 3 weeks since I started on this job hunting journey and things are not progressing as quickly as I would have hoped.

I'm finding motivation to be incredibly difficult. Last week I didn't leave the house or my PJ's for 4 days straight. I wake up in the mornings and think to myself, 'what's the point'?

I've been frequenting many job forums and reading about other people's experiences and it is really tough to find a job out there.

It doesn't help when I read articles and watch programmes on unemployment. My mind starts to race and I think will I be in the same position as I am now in another months time, another years time?