Tuesday, 25 September 2012


I am a sucker for lists. I make lists for everything. I’m forever making lists. I have a list of things I want to do. On my list is to complete a half marathon.
At the end of the race
So I signed up to do the Great North Run, the world’s biggest half marathon in the world, back in April. After many months of training, and some bouts of injury I did it and completed a half marathon. It was incredibly nerve wracking leading up to the race. I had all these thoughts running through my head; would I cope?, would I be able to complete it?, what if I did all the training and then failed? I wanted to run it under 1:55:00. In the end I managed to run and complete the race in 1:54:19. Yay!
I managed to come 10,626th place. Ha ha!!!
Now that I completed one task, I have jumped straight into ticking another item; owning a bike and actually riding it in London. So I went out and bought myself a bike. I didn’t realise how much was required when buying a bike. You have to buy lights, locks, mudguards. I also bought insurance, helmet, high viz gear. I’m sure I will need to buy something else. Anyway, I have ridden it to work a few times. Although I am not the most confident rider, I have managed to actually ride IN London! (although I did have a close call with a bus today...eek!!) Never the less tick. Hurrah!!

More on my list, but they will take time to achieve. 

Crying with happiness

I heard from someone today, after many years, who I never thought I would hear from again. I actually cried with happiness to hear from him and to hear that his life is going so well after all this time. I didn't even know I was capable of crying.