Thursday, 8 December 2005

Little Yap Yap's trip to Manchester

November 26 - December 5, 2005

Few days off work so decided to go back toManchester. Here is what I got up to:

  • November 26 - depart Canada
  • November 27 - arrived into Manchester. Picked up by Naj at the airport. Into town to shop. End up in Primark and buy an entire wardrobe (okay not quite, but a lot). Go to Staleybridge and stay at Net and Nick's. Go for a curry. Yummy.
  • November 28 - Snow!! Really cold. Go for dim sum with Tan. Go shopping at Primark... again. Meet Mark at the English class. Home.
  • November 29 - Net passes her MSc. We go to Leeds. Visit my friend Jenny then visit my friend Tim. Celebrate Net's pass. Get very very pissed. Net goes home. I don't make it. Stay at Tim's in a drunken state.
  • November 30 - Very hung over. Drag ass back to Manchester. Feeling very ill. See my aunt. Feeling incredibly sick with flu like symptoms. After walk around for some Manchester 'fresh' air before going back to Staleybridge.

Girls night. Helen, Sarah, Net and I get into our jim jams and watch 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' whilst eating tonnes of junk food. Girls decide to celebrate Net passing her MSc with wine and cheap champagne. Feel sick again. Decide against alcohol and stick to water.

  • December 1 - Out for lunch with Net to On the 8th Day on Oxford Road. Very yummy. After end up in vintage clothes shop to buy clothes for 70's house warming party. Buy a really wack shirt for 7 quid (which I still think was a rip off) for Rik. Go for coffee. Net leaves me and I go to Manchester Museum. Particularly like the frogs display and Egyptian room.

Walk in the pouring rain cos too cheap to buy umbrella. Meet Olly for few beers. Olly drinking 2 beers to my one. He seems very drunk. Decide to go home cos I'm very tired.

  • December 2 - Have hair appoinment at 1045. Wake up late. Miss the train. Have to wait. Am half hour late. Worried they will not be able to do it and I have to stick with my current straggly hair do. Manage to fit me in anyway. YEAH!! Get hair done with Net.

After go for some food at Tampopo. Very yummy. Decide to go try fancy frocks on with our new hair do. Take pictures of us in fancy frocks with our stripy socks. Very funny. Both try on size 10 dresses from Warehouse. Cannot zip them up. Decide they aren't actually size 10 and are size 6, hence the reason why we cannot get into them.

After meet up with my old BC work colleagues. Decide to drink lots. Naj comes out to meet us. Get her to drive us to Chorlton. Have a few beers. Rik joins us. We decide we are too hungry to drink anymore. Get Naj to drive us to Fallowfield for an Abduls kebab. Very yummy. Too full and drunk to drink anymore. Back to Staleybridge with Rik. Spend rest of night with dicky stomach. Think it has something to do with the the 'yummy' kebab.

  • December 3 - Go for day trip to Pennines with Rik. Pass the Devils Arse (always makes us laugh). Back to Staleybridge. 70's house warming party. House all decorated. Get all glammed up. Lots of food, cheesy music, alcohol!!

Sarah gets really drunk. Ends up passing out on some bloke Net is trying to set her up with. Don't know if she made a very good impression. Everyone drunk. Very fun.

  • November 4 - Wake up and recover. Net and Nick treat me to pub dinner at their local. Very nice.
  • November 5 - Time to go home. Make my way to airport with far too many bags. Feel like a bag lady. Eventually get to the airport. Very hot and bothered.

Get on plane and end up sitting next to some lady who's made it her mission to get drunk on the plane's cheap plonk. Keeps telling me about breaking up with her boyfriend and how she is fine with it. By the 10th time of telling me she over him, I feel she is not really over him. Continues to talk all the way home on the 8 hour flight. Feels so much longer. See her progressivly get more and more drunk, more and more loud, more and more annoying. Begins to swear. People staring at us. I'm getting embarrased. Get off the plane, quickly lose her on way to customs. Phew!

The end.

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