Friday, 18 March 2011

Living the unemployed dream

So it has now been 4 full days since I came back to the UK after my jaunt around Asia. It is bloomin' freezing and I can't feel my face.
I'm currently staying at my friend RB's house along with her brother, cousin and mum. Her mum is a child minder so lots of screaming kids around.
My day is pretty bog standard. I wake up, shower, get coffee, go to the 'office' aka the computer room and apply for a few jobs (which takes no longer than 20 mins), eat and eat.
I've been visiting a few museums since they are free. Now in normal circumstances I can't stand going to museums but I've found them to be pretty good time fillers. I went to the V&A museum yesterday and I thought it was awesome! Today I walked in the pouring rain with RB's mum and a 3 year old to Horniman's Musuem, a little local museum that had a nice little collection and also an aquarium. It was also full of screaming kids and nearly drove me insane.

Actually I think I will go insane if I don't get a job and home soon!

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